You will need:
Bread,Cheese,Ham,Butter,Toaster,and Oven.
Step 1. Thouroughly wash your hands and dry them.
Step 2.Get one piece of white bread out of the package.
Step 3.Put the one piece of bread in the toaster for 4 minutes.
Step 4.While the bread is toasting grate some cheese and put it into a bowl.
Step 5.Once the toast is done put a bit of butter on the toast.
Step 6.Get some ham out of the package and put aside on a clean plate.
Step 7.Put ham on the face of the toast on one side and make sure that no ham is hanging over the side of the toast if there is ham hanging over the side cut it.
Step 8.Sprinkle cheese all over the face of the bread
Step 9. Put the bread with toppings in the oven.
Step 10. Take it out of the oven and enjoy.
My Favourite part was eating
The Purple Highlighted words is what I should have putThe