Friday, April 16, 2021

My mihi

 Hey :)

We were asked to write our mihi out on a slide so that's exactly what I did.

Hope you enjoy!

Numeracy Thinkboard


We were asked to make a numeracy thinkboard so here's mine. 

Hope you enjoy!

Lake Waikaremoana

Salutations :)

We were asked to do a dlo on Lake Waikaremoana so here's mine.

Hope you enjoy!

Kids Lit recount

 Hey :)

Kids Lit is a reading competition.
Every year almost every school around the west coast makes a few teams of Year 5,6,7 & 8s to compete for the chance to go to Wellington (the national comp).
It's always the scariest thing going in there with no idea what the categories are with only 15-30 mins to prepare as well as we can for the questions to come. I'm a Year 8 this year so I won't be going again and with that being said here is my recount.

I hope you enjoy!

I walked in the school gates to see a few of my teammates walk past with their bags towards the library so I go find the others to tell them we should go there as well. We walk slowly to savour the time before the nerves set in as we all almost stumble through the library door.
We walk in to see all the Kids Lit team browsing through all the  picture books and the like so I do the same.  Suddenly the bell rings before I even have time to internally scream for help & then we had to leave. We all pile into the van and someone starts singing wheels on the bus so we all start singing along.
We park on the street opposite and we walk through the playground to the office so we all can get signed in and then we're off. 
We walk in but it's weirdly quiet,I wonder why there is no one else here?
We've come quite early so we can have some time to discuss the categories a bit more.
Now it's begun it's quiet again every one is quiet except for the QuizMaster-Mr Mills himself and in the flesh no less. We've put our joker on the witches category which means whatever our score it will double.
Once we get to the spelling category I am fully in my element mulling over each and every word that is said in order to build an answer.
[not really important but since I had answered all of the spelling questions I got an extra dollar with my other $25]
We got second place.again.
This feeling goes beyond frustrated past angry even disappointment. I'm really sad that I couldn't live my last year at primary with something to hold my name to.
I'll really miss this.

That everyone was my Kids Lit recount.

ANZAC timeline

 Hello :)

ANZAC day is coming round again so we were asked to make a short timeline with the date we were given my group had 19-24 May so we jotted down some important things that happened in that time frame so here's ours.

(my group consisted of Abbie,Dean & I so just an honourable mention to them)

Hope you enjoyed!

My eel gif

 Hi :)

We are learning to take notes so we were given an article so we could note down the main ideas to remember so here's mine.

Hope you enjoyed!

Before & After-vocab grid

 Hi =)

We were asked to make a vocab grid to show what the word means before we look it up & after so here's mine.

Hope you enjoyed!

Current events-vocab map edition

 Hi =)

We were asked to make a current events vocab map so here is mine.

Hope you enjoyed!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

My Ode to...eels

 Hey :)

We were asked to write an ode to eels so here's mine!

(don't worry I don't get it either)

The eel

slimy skin,long body & small eyes

It’s  must be so easy to slip through the water & smell your prey

It's interesting that with such long fins it doesn’t fly

Slithers, slips & slides through the water every day

It could get across the stream before  noon is nigh

I’m jealous of the efficiency in every way

swims,eats  & mates doing what it does it’s whole life

With nothing else to display I don’t like it. I don’t hate it.

It doesn’t really matter anyway because for the eel I don’t have much to say

Hope you enjoyed!