Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Desert Survival

Here is my Desert Survival Poster

I enjoyed this activity a lot. I have a link here to show you other equipment needed for survival in different circumstances.

Here is a another link which will take you to a site which has a lot of ideas on how to navigate without a compass.

                   HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Wanted Poster

Here's my wanted poster for Kissin Kate Barlow.
Hope you Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


                             Here is my vocab for the week.

Friday, August 9, 2019

My Invention

This is my Invention

Friday, August 2, 2019


Here's my Vocab for this week.
I hope when you read this you would have learn a lot.
Hope you enjoy!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rattle snakes

Here is one of my finished activities from Chapter chat.
Our book this week is Holes by Louis Sachar and we were told to research an animal from that and I chose the rattlesnake.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Zoe's Electricity Safety Tips

Electricity Safety is very important so remember these tips to stay safe near outlets.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Power Station Hill Walk 2019

Power Station Hill

Today my class and the year 6's of  M1 went to Power Station Hill (Greymouth Substation)   Cosmin Cosma told us about electricity and what you have to do to stay safe around plugs and electrical devices.

What I found difficult was walking up the steep hill it was very steep!

My favourite part was when we had lunch.

We learn't about 2 different types of currents like Alternating currents and Direct currents.

Alternating currents can go 2 directions around a circuit.
Direct currents can only go 1 direction around a circuit(Both currents go around a circuit 50 times!).

Friday, June 21, 2019

Mousetrap Blog Post

You will need:
Bread,Cheese,Ham,Butter,Toaster,and Oven.

Step 1. Thouroughly wash your hands and dry them.

Step 2.Get one piece of white bread out of the package.

Step 3.Put the one piece of bread in the toaster for 4 minutes.

Step 4.While the bread is toasting grate some cheese and put it into a bowl.

Step 5.Once the toast is done put a bit of butter on the toast.
Step 6.Get some ham out of the package and put aside  on a clean plate.

Step 7.Put ham on the face of the toast on one side and make sure that no ham is hanging over the side of the toast if there is ham hanging over the side cut it.

Step 8.Sprinkle cheese all over the face of the bread

Step 9. Put the bread with toppings in the oven.

Step 10. Take it out of the oven and enjoy.

My Favourite part was eating
The Purple Highlighted words is what I should have put

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday, February 22, 2019